Steppingstone Journey

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Food For Thought and Body

Pasta Alfredo
Quinoa Salad
 The aroma in Fill My Cup cafe/coffee shop commences about ten minutes after our cook, Mira, arrives.  She is amazing! The aroma of cinnamon, kneaded bread, banana nut bread and chocolate drift from her space, and before we know it, we are displaying goodies for public consumption on trays, under glass, and on racks.  The Espresso machine and the drip coffee makers are humming and sending out messages of invitation. After the fresh breakfast menu is on exhibit, she begins preparing the Plate of the Day, which is usually a pasta or main meat dish.  Sandwiched between all of this, she makes her wheat or white or sour dough breads for the Sandwich of the Day.
But wait...there is more: soups.  She makes a Soup of the Day.  Yesterday, she made a beef goulash with fresh vegetables and herbs. Served with her warm breads, it is a sight to make one slobber. Oh, she bakes with fresh butter and pure cream. Nothing is compromised here. Quality is her main concern.

Thinly-sliced squash
Several days ago, we paid a visit to a local gardener to buy fresh herbs and vegetables.  Mira hand picked squash, tomatoes, beets and herbs.  Today, she sliced the long squash into thin slices that she used in place of noodles for her lasagne, which was loaded with vegetables and herbs.   It was second-helping worthy!

Mira sets an example of Ecclesiastes 9:10a, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might..."  She is an industrious ball of fire who is as busy as a bee from the start of her day to the last roll, bun, loaf, pie, cake and soup.
She even visits with every customer who comes in!

She prepares the best menu with the finest ingredients and it's expensive.  "If people buy my food, it has to be good."

Mission Corps gives us great opportunities to peek into the lives of people who do what they do with fervor and passion.  Mira's work may seem light or minor, but truthfully, one couldn't manage a cafe/coffee shop without a cook.  She is a key player...and she is a new Christian.  She is an inspiration.

When she invites us to chop, slice or stir, we heartily comply.  When we share devotions and prayer time together at the start of the day, she exhales honesty.  She gets it that God has blessed her with these skills and talents...and she is a hugger, too!

This is what our days are like.  Setting up at 9am for a 10am opening, then laughing, sweeping, cooking and drinking coffee all day.  This blog has been a small glimpse into our daily routine with our cook, Mira.  Pray for her that she would continue to grow spiritually and would continue to be a spiritual guide and example to her children and family members.

 Keep Looking Up... and thank you for reading our blog
J:m and L:nda

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