$17.00 a box but on sale today! |
Items not manufactured or grown here become a treat. We know. We like lettuce, too, even if it is $30.00 a pound. Floored? Then we have something in common. Want a tomato with that lettuce? Add $9.00 a pound. Of course, we can buy in ounces, and we do! While pasta is affordable, grapes are $9.00 pd, pepperoni, $15.00 pd, cheddar cheese is $10.00 pd, broccoli is $10.00 pd, and if you want zucchini or squash, you will have to borrow from the bank.
The cattle industry here provides affordable beef, and as long as the cargo ships float in salsa and chips, we can mix our Taco seasoning, play a Spanish album and be grateful. Bags of chicken feed reveal proof that chickens exist here; however, they are expensive critters at the supermarket weighing in at $10.00 pd for parts!
...but where are the chickens |
Our affordable source of food comes from the fresh local markets: bananas, pineapple, avocados, white and sweet potatoes, egg plant and the best carrots in the world are in abundant supply there.
As a result, our typical meals-- breakfast: coffee, affordable in our expat world but enjoyed sparingly, a banana, scrambled eggs and fabulous french bread/toast. Dinner: roasted potatoes and carrots, a stuffed bell pepper and a toasted real French baguette make for much merriment in our kitchen.
The economy is certainly distinguishable when you live on an island. The cargo ships supply the demand and demand determines the cost of items. Waste. There is very little wastefulness and an abundance of resourcefulness here.