The music was fabulous and songs sets alternated between English and Swedish. After opening services, which was shared in the common language of Swedish, all English speakers attended an International Fellowship. The sermon was taken from Matthew 13, the proper soil for sowing the seed, the Word of Christ. The take away was never focus on the tiny seed and see only that seed, but envision the orchard that can result from planting one tiny seed. There, we met people from all over the world who are purposefully studying God's word - not to keep it to themselves - but to plant the Word in family and members within their community. It was inspirational.
We are most impressed with the world who drops by our house almost daily. Our cook is from Kosovo and a new believer. When she saw the apron that she will wear, she cried. These aprons are speaking.
When our Swedish barista instructor saw the aprons, she said, "How fine." She is not a believer.
Kent is a very proper retiree who lives in the next village and comes faithfully to visit for 2-3 hours every Wednesday night. He likes the big house here where there is a piano. He and the cafe owner play piano jazz and Christian hymns. He is not a believer, but generously has supplied multiple sets of fine china for use in the coffee cafe.
These are just a few ways that this cafe is already serving as an outreach. Farmers on their tractors and parents at the bus stop outside the cafe stop to inquire when they can get their coffee. We have had some setbacks, but we believe God is using time for His purpose.
We pinch ourselves a lot to see if we are dreaming. Just like all our other Mission Corps assignments, this is perfect timing. We love internationals and feel most comfortable in any setting with them. It is a privilege to be the first Mission Corps couple at this assignment. What a perfect match: coffee with seekers. Who but God!
When you drink your first cup of coffee each morning, please pray for the seekers who bring their cakes and their china and sit to visit. Pray that we would see and hear that tiny crack of opportunity to say, "I know Someone who can help you with that!"
Keep Looking Up! and thank you for reading our blog.
J:m and L:nda