Our experiences in Costa Rica continue to be awesome. Our teacher, Zeidy, is very patient and pushes as a second language instructor should! The first week, we learned many useful sentence constructions that allow us to add new adjectives or verbs to quickly express activities and/or feelings. On Friday, she introduced pasada/past tense of all the verbs. This is NOT an easy construction, but we worked this weekend to memorize pasada in order to express past experiences.
On Saturday, we made our way to downtown San Jose to visit museums and learn our way around the area. The bus costs 60 cents to go one way. We strolled the pedestrian zone, had an excellent coffee break, where we ordered in Spanish and received what we wanted, and enjoyed the sights and sounds of Saturday. This particular Saturday was especially important because Costa Rica was playing Uruguay in a World Cup soccer game.
They won 3-1 and the city literally went crazy, and we were right downtown in the middle of it. Horns blared and people lined the streets and sidewalks proclaiming their victory. This continued non-stop until close to midnight. The underdog advanced to the next round, and the people were ecstatic with celebration
We found a restaurant and had one of Costa Rica's traditional meals: chicken and rice with french fries.
Now full and happy for Costa Rica, we made our way to the bus station, paid our
60 cents, and were seated spectators of streets lined with celebrants.
On Sunday, we traveled with missionaries to the small town of Poas in mountainous Costa Rica for church services. We have discovered that church services in Spanish-speaking countries are longer than in the U.S. Their music is upbeat and rhythmic, which makes it almost impossible to stay seated. So, standing and celebrating the blessings from God can last up to one hour...and that is just the music
The church is very large and by the time the Father's Day service began, the church was full!
After church, we stayed for lunch - of course, rice with chicken, salad and black beans. Fortunately, we can drink the water anywhere in Costa Rica. And, by the way, the coffee there was delicious!
We were inspired on this day to memorize in Spanish our Life Verses. Jim's favorite scripture is Philippians 4:13 and Linda's is Matthew 6:33. So, next time you see us, test us!
You probably already know your favorite scripture in your second language. We are just now catching up with you!
The weekend was an enriching one. We experienced all five senses! There is more to come!
Keep Looking Up! And, thank you for following our blog.
J:m and L:nda