We are about to start a new year. What is calling all of us to either "get busy living or...?"
What is it that we postpone, put off, or table? We all have a tunnel that we need to dig, and maybe we shouldn't wait another 10,12, or 15 years to start digging. Unfortunately, we can't ask someone else to dig our tunnel for us. What if Andy had asked fellow prisoners to dig his tunnel for him? There are just some tunnels only we can dig. If we purposely plan to commit and to implement, 2014 could be our tunnel to...
- taking that online course
- finishing that degree
- reading more - www.goodreads.com or free app
- walking that 2 miles each day-My Fitness Pal free app or myfitnesspal.com
- learning that language - www.duolingo.com
- reconciling that relationship
- traveling more - www.ricksteves.com
- taking that mission trip
- starting a daily devotional - www.odb.org
- volunteering at that organization
- enrolling in a Bible study - YouVersion Bible app for your phone, tablet, and computer
- developing a relationship with Jesus
- becoming a church member
- Keeping a journal or starting a blog
We certainly need that kind of strength and energy to dig our tunnels and the Lord of redemption offers it free. That's how we get busy living...for all eternity.
Wishing you a year of tunneling!
Happy New year! P.S. On your iPad or computer, be sure to take our poll (upper right hand corner of the blog)
Keep Looking Up!
J:m and L:nda