Fast forward to October 2012 when a core group of people began to meet, plan and support the vision of bringing a vibrant and living church into a neighborhood that has everything.
The church campus is huge and includes a Children's building, a gym, offices and sanctuary, all of which needed to be renovated. " He who began a good work..."...groups poured in to help with installation of new lighting, ripping up carpeting, transforming a loft into a coffee bistro, painting, trimming, moving walls, tiling, planting and landscaping. The interior and exterior of those buildings were all affected and revitalised for their purpose..."will carry it on to completion..." to share the gospel..."until the day of Christ Jesus."
Another church, open for business in America...and, "we were confident of this, that He who began a good work (in you) will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 1:6)
We know of new church starts in Chicago and Portland and Ambato, Ecuador with young couples who have sacrificed because they know..." at the proper time they will reap a harvest if they do not give up." (Gal.6:9)
Our church was under renovation, but the process is actually its name: Renovation Church. The name symbolizes that the people who attend are under renovation and are being renovated. That's God business: He starts that good work on the interior and exterior of us and carries it on to completion. We are being transformed, taking our vibrant and living selves into neighborhoods that have everything....but Christ.
We launched today, March 24, 2013. And..."to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power..." (Ephesians 4:20) we had 400 in attendance.
And, Easter is coming!
Want a miracle for your interior and exterior?
Find a church, get involved, and let the renovation begin!
This work is part of our Steppingstone journey. Stay tuned....we know our next step!
Keep looking up,
Jim and Linda
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