Steppingstone Journey

Saturday, August 4, 2012

iCloud -Is It Necesssary to Sync?

When we came back from Ecuador, we joined the "technology generation" and bought an iPhone.  Yes, just one; we will share.  However, it has taken two heads and two Apple appointments to get into the head of Steve Jobs!  Education can be humbling, especially when the iPhone instructor speaks with twice as much confidence and is only one third our age. We have found that there is not one single question, not one single inquiry that he/she cannot answer, and do so swiftly.  We are going back for a third class, which is humbling to have to share.  We sit there, alert from our caffeine, and try, try to remember it all.  We leave and practice.  We go down that "path" several times, so we will know the way when we are out on our own with our iPhone.  It's a smart device.  Even smarter is iCloud.  We are connected to this satellite that we can't see, which synchronizes all our Apple devices to each other.  And, since we don't have an Apple computer, iCloud kindly synchronizes our iPhone and all its business to our personal computer. iCloud stores and then syncs apps, photos, contacts, videos and maybe more stuff to iOS5 devices.  It's a backup system.  We just plug up our phone each night, and all our new-today stuff is automatically stored while we sleep. We go to sleep in peace, and we wake up with faith that nothing is lost.

This is how we understand it.  It's deeper, we know. So, is it necessary to sync? Of course, if we don't want to worry about losing our stuff.   We have been sync-ing for a long, long time because we know the value of it. It's actually theologically and Biblically based, written in red, " Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:29).  When we yoke-up, or sync-up, with Christ, all our stuff is either forgiven or remembered forever by Him.  He has been our Instructor who speaks with concrete wisdom and is infinitely older than we are.  We keep going to class with Him and we learn and learn, so we will know how to act and react when we are faced with the unexpected.  He is our back-up system because He always has our back.  He takes care of our new-today stuff and uses it for good.  We trust in Him daily, and, as a result, we go to sleep in peace and wake up with faith that nothing has been lost. 

So, is it necessary to sync after we yoke?  When we are yoked with Jesus, He demands that we synchronize with "devices" around us, "devices" being relationships!  "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." (Romans 12:18). Yes, it is necessary. This is NOT iEasy!  But just as iCloud remembers who we are and syncs the relationships among our devices, Jesus remembers who we are and wants us to live in sync with our relationships. 

Smart devices are fun.  They can make our lives easier.  They remember.  They store.  They synchronize. We don't understand them!   We will continue to learn about them and practice how to use them.  There is Someone who created iCloud who wants us to yoke up with Him.  He promises a deeper rest for our souls.

Keep sync-ing and yoke up if you haven't yet! 
                Keep looking up,  Jim and Linda