We didn't have school today! It was a holiday somewhat akin to our Labor Day. So, we decided to take an outing, go to North Riobamba to visit a children's home operated by a Canadian couple. We had heard about this home before we left the states, and today seemed to be a good day to visit there. Never judge a book by its cover...the taxi left the asphalt road and headed down a muddy side road, driving through pockets of standing water from last night's pouring down rainstorm. Where were we headed and what was this place going to look like? The taxi waited while we banged on the huge iron doors that sealed the address behind high brick walls. The iron doors opened to a refreshingly pleasant, well-maintained, almost sanctuary-like environment! A huge, multi-colored, paving-stoned driveway lead to brightly painted buildings and children bouncing across a chalk hopscotch game. They looked and we looked! We were already impressed. We met Ron and Glenda, the Canadians, who told us how all of this began...about 18 years ago when God called and said, "Go to Ecuador, children are dying!" www.arkchildrenshomes.com They bought this acreage and one small farm house. Eighteen years and hundreds of children later, they share their story about work teams and volunteers who have made multiple trips to help them with their calling to house children who are abandoned, homeless and forgotten. They give us the tour while sweet children play outside on trikes, inside with Legos and older teens help with laundry, meals and yardwork. Ron and Glenda have 12 children of their own, many of whom have a role now or have had a past role in seeing this calling turn into an unbelievable reality. Who, but God! When He calls, it is obvious, He equips.
It was a good visit, and it was encouraging to see how God is working in stealth ways. His work, grace and mercy is so much greater than we can imagine. We are going back. This was a very gripping steppingstone. Please join us and pray for these children and the formidable difference that a Christian heritage will make in their lives.
This was another good day in Riobamba!
"...cause I don't want to live like I don't care. I don't want to say another empty prayer..."
(Josh Wilson)
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