Steppingstone Journey

Thursday, April 5, 2012

More Than We Could Ask

We arrived in Quito, Ecuador at 11pm, April 3, 2012. We had anticipated our next stepping stones and now we were about to see what we had only imagined.   It's a good thing we had on our Tevas with gripping power because we would need them to stay on the stones!
The Fischers, who serve in Quito, met us and drove us to their home where we slept very comfortably.   Early on April 4th, we headed to Riobamba, 9,000 feet into the Andes and our assignment location for the next few months. Touring Riobamba, we were grateful to see the Nazarene churches and how, through the church, God continues to make His manifold wisdom known to everyone.  After a KFC lunch (cultural meals will come later!), we moved into our apartment, which was more than we could have asked for or expected.  Spacious and safe, only God could have provided such an answered prayer. It is located only 4 blocks from the school where I will teach and Jim will work. On certain days, Jim will work at the district office, located a bit further from our apartment.
We will travel east into the Amazon Basin early on Friday morning to attend Good Friday (Viernes Santo) cooperative services with several Nazarene churches in that jungle area.  This area is where the five missionaries were killed by the Auca Indians in 1956.  Perhaps you saw the movie, "The End of the Spear" or read the book, Through Gates of Splendor ,which tell the stories of these men, their deaths, and, as a result, God's powerful purpose.  The Good Friday services will undoubtedly give a spiritural peak into what a powerful God is doing in surprisingly remote areas of the world.
God was good to give us steppingstones of  surprises this week.  They were in all shapes and sizes but large enough to carry us further down the river! 
We will always post photos of people, places, and events.  In the meantime, keep looking up and wear a shoe with a good never know! Keep us in your prayers.
              Gratefully, Jim and Linda


abigail said...

Hi Bimi and Papa Jim! How is RioBAMba? I love you and miss you!

abigail said...

Your apartment looks WONDERFUL!!!

Chandler Mom said...

Enjoyed looking at your pictures and following your blog. We pray for you and ask God to make you fruitful in your time there.

abigail said...

The apartment looks good. - Matt

abigail said...

Have you tried the wood-fire pizza yet?