Riobamba is surrounded by five massive snowcapped volcanoes, including Chimborazo—the highest in Ecuador. (Trek 18, Photo: DK) |
Riobamba likes to call itself corazón de la patria, the nation's heartland, and for good reason. Situated near the geographic center of the country, it is the very essence of Andean Ecuador. The city is surrounded by numerous highland indigenous communities and five massive snowcapped volcanoes. Riobamba is an important regional center, the capital of the province of Chimborazo, and the hub of the country's once-famous railroad.
"Jesus leads them up into a high mountain apart by themselves." (Mark 9:2)
In less than a month, we will depart for a trip of a life-time: 3 months of living and working in Riobamba, Ecuador. Among the many facts that we have learned about the culture and lifestyle, we read that Riobamba is located at 9,000 feet altitude. Aren't Christians always asking God to "elevate us," to bring us to "higher grounds" of growth and discovery! Well, He has done that for us, literally! We presently live in the Valley in the Phoenix, AZ area, which is 1,117 feet above sea level. We asked the Lord for permission to experience a true mission lifestyle, and He has truly "risen to the occasion."
Oswald Chambers writes, " The mount is not meant to teach us anything it is meant to make us something." We are about to view life from a different perspective, knowing that we are entering a new "teaching and making" level.
Chambers goes on, "The test of our spiritual life is the power to descend; if we have the power to rise only, something is wrong." We are about to have a mountain-top experience, but we can't stay there; we have to descend - to come home to Valley living. We will enjoy the 9,000 feet until we have to come home to the 1,117 feet.
Jesus has lead us up to a high mountain, and we are so grateful for this perfect match: the two of us...with Him!
If you have time, we invite you to make this mountaintop trek with us! Come on, let's start the climb!
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